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Output 2010


Output 2010
Chapters in books

Book Title


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Henley EC, Taylor JRN, Obukosia SD: 2010. The Importance of Dietary Protein in Human Health: Combating Protein Deficiency in Sub-Saharan Africa through Transgenic Biofortified Sorghum. In Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, (2), Academic Press - Elsevier, pp 21-52.

Jackson JC, Duodu KG, Holse M, Lima de Faria MD, Jordaan D, Chingwaru W, Hansen A, Cencic A, Kandawa-Schultz M, Mpotokwane S, Chimwamurombe P, de Kock HL, Minnaar A: 2010. The Morama Bean (Tylosema esculentum) : A Potential Crop for Southern Africa. In Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, (5), Academic Press - Elsevier, pp 187-246.

Sivakumar V, Tesfaye M, Alemu W, Sharma A, Bollig C, Mengistu G: 2010. Aerosol measurements over South Africa using Satellite, Sun-photometer and Lidar. In Advances in Geosicences, (22), World Scientific Publishing, pp 253-262.

Sivakumar V, Tefera D, Mengistu G, Botai JO: 2010. Mean Ozone and Water vapour height profiles for southern hemisphere region using Radiosonde / Ozonesonde and HALOE satellite data. In Advances in Geosicences, (23), World Scientific Publishing, pp 263-270.

Botai OJ, Sivakumar V, Combrinck WL, Rautenbach CJdW: 2010. Multi-Scale organization of water vapour in the low- and mid- tropical Africa. In Advances in Geosicences, (21), World Scientific Publishing, pp 241-251.

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Wesuls D, Strohbach MM, Horn A, Kos Mart, Zimmerman J, Hoffmann J, Geldenhuys C, Dreber N, Kellerman MJS, van Rooyen MW, Poschlod P: 2010. Plant functional traits and types as a tool to analyse landuse impacts on vegetation. In Biodiversity in Southern Africa Vol 2: Patterns and processes at regional scale, (IV.4), Klaus Hess Publishers (Gottingen and Windhoek), pp 222-232.

Schmiedel U, Linke T, Christiaan RA, Falk T, Grongroft A, Haarmeyer DH, Hanke W, Henstock R, Hoffman MT, Kunz N, Labitzky T, Luther-Mosebach J, Lutsch N, Meyer S, Petersen A, Rower IU, van der Merwe H, van Rooyen MW, Vollan B, Weber B: 2010. Environmental and socio-economic patterns and processes in the sucfulent karoo-frame conditions for the management of this biodiversity hotspot. In Biodiversity in Southern Africa Vol 3: Implications for land use and management, (III.5.6), Klaus Hess Publishers (Gottingen and Windhoek), pp 110-150.

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Taylor JRN, Duodu KG: 2010. Sorghum and millets: Characteristics and quality requirements. In Cereal Grains: Assessing and Managing Quality, (10), CRC Press and Woodhead Publishing, pp 237-266.

Sharp JS: 2010. Serving the Volk? Afrikaner Anthropology Revisited. In Culture Wars Context, Models and Anthropologists' Accounts, (2), Berghahn Books, pp 32-44.

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van Eck BPS, Eleveld A: 2010. Employment Equity in South Africa: The Socio-Political Realities And Legal Theoretical Justification. In Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Ali Güzel, BETA, pp 207-230.

Painter-Morland MJ: 2010. Africa: Ethics and Sustainability Within SMEs in Sub-Saharan Africa: Enabling, Constraining and Contaminating Relationships. In Ethics in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: A Global Commentary, (2), Springer, pp 13-34.

Painter-Morland MJ: 2010. Introduction: Global Perspectives on Ethics in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. In Ethics in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: A Global Commentary, (1), Springer, pp 1-12.

Fioramonti L, Lucarelli S: 2010. Conclusion Self-representations and external perceptions - can the EU bridge the gap?. In External perceptions of the European Union as a global actor, (15), Routledge, pp 218-225.

Lucarelli S, Fioramonti L: 2010. Introduction. The EU in the eyes of the others - why bother?. In External perceptions of the European Union as a global actor, Routledge, pp 1-9.

Olivier G, Fioramonti L: 2010. The emerging 'global south'. The EU in the eyes of India, Brazil and South Africa. In External perceptions of the European Union as a global actor, (7), Routledge, pp 105-119.

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Ntibagirirwa S: 2010. Cultural Values, Economic Growth and Development. In Fairness in International Trade, (3), Springer, pp 9-26.

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Landman K: 2010. Gated minds, gated places: The Impact and Meaning of Hard Boundaries in South Africa. In Gated Communities Social sustainability in contemporary and historical gated developments, (6), Earthscan, pp 49-62.

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Joubert A: 2010. History by Word of Mouth: Linking Past and Present through Oral Memory. In Historical Memory in Africa, (2), Berghahn Books, pp 27-52.

van Eck BPS: 2010. Constitutionalisation of South African Labour Law: An Experiment in the Making. In Human Rights at Work: Perspectives on Law and Regulation, (9), Hart Publishing, pp 259-291.

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Birkholtz L, Burger PB, Aci S, Valadié H, da Costa AL, Brillet L, De Beer TAP, Joubert F, Wells GA, Breton V, Roy S, Louw AI, Marechal E: 2010. In silico Discorvery of chemotherapeutic agents. In Infectious Disease Informatics, (14), SpringerLink, pp 279-304.

Wolff E: 2010. The quest for justice versus the rights of the other?. In In Levinas' Trace, (4), Avangard Prima, pp 101-111.

Kim SB, Lotz S, Sun S, Chung YK, Pike RD, Sweigart DA: 2010. Organometallic Reagents. In Inorganic Synthesis, 35 (6.28), John Wiley & Sons, Inc, pp 114-120.

Booysen LAE, Nkomo SM: 2010. Employment equity and diversity management in South Africa. In International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work, (11), Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, pp 218-243.

Viljoen FJ: 2010. State compliance with the recommendations of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights. In International human rights law: Six decades after the UDHR, (22), Ashgate Publishing Ltd, pp 411-430.

Hansungule M: 2010. Domestication of international human rights law in Zambia. In International law and domestic human rights litigation in Africa, (5), Pretoria University Law Press, pp 71-83.

Killander UM, Adjolohoun H: 2010. International law and domestic human rights litigation in africa: An introduction. In International law and domestic human rights litigation in Africa, (1), Pretoria University Law Press, pp 3-22.

Adjolohoun H, Tanoh A: 2010. International law and domestic rights litigation in Cote d'Ivoire and Benin. In International law and domestic human rights litigation in Africa, (7), Pretoria University Law Press, pp 109-120.

Murungu CB: 2010. The place of international law in human rights litigation in Tanzania. In International law and domestic human rights litigation in Africa, (4), Pretoria University Law Press, pp 57-69.

Ngidi RLK: 2010. The role of international law in the development of children's rights in South Africa: A children's rights litigator's perspective. In International law and domestic human rights litigation in Africa, (10), Pretoria University Law Press, pp 173-191.

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Banerjee S, Sarkar S, Eriksson PG, Samanta P: 2010. Microbially related structures in siliciclastic sediment resembling ediacaran fossils: examples from India, ancient and modern. In Microbial Mats - Modern and Ancient Microorganisms in Stratified Systems, (Part 2), Springer, pp 111-129.

Eriksson PG, Sarkar S, Samanta P, Banerjee S, Porada H, Catuneanu O: 2010. Paleoenvironmental context of microbal mat-related structures in siliciclasitic rocks. In Microbial Mats - Modern and Ancient Microorganisms in Stratified Systems, Springer, pp 73-108.

Seckbach J, Eriksson PG, Walsh MM, Oren A, Chela-Flores J: 2010. Summary and Conclusion. In Microbial Mats - Modern and Ancient Microorganisms in Stratified Systems, Springer, pp 585-590.

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Schoeman MME, Loots L, Naidoo K: 2010. South African female peacekeepers: An exploration of their experiences in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In New South African Review I 2010: Development or decline?, (10), Wits University Press, pp 236--252.

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Wachira GM: 2010. "Indigenous peoples" right to land and natural resources. In Perspectives on the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples in Africa, (11), Pretoria University Press, pp 297-348.

Viljoen FJ: 2010. Reflections on the legal protection of indigenous peoples' rights in Africa. In Perspectives on the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples in Africa, (4), Pretoria University Law Press, pp 75-94.

Klein G: 2010. Strategies of struggle: The Nelson Mandela campaign. In Popular Politics and Resistance Movements in South Africa, (5), Wits University Press, pp 94-116.

Simpson TW: 2010. The role of the African National Congress in popular protest during the township uprisings, 1984-1989. In Popular Politics and Resistance Movements in South Africa, (4), Wits University Press, pp 76-93.

Painter-Morland MJ: 2010. Global Principles (as)(or) Ethical Responsiveness: The Case of Sustainability Rhetoric. In Power and Principle in the Market Place. On Ethics and Economics, (9), Ashgate Publishing, pp 115-132.

Donaldson E: 2010. Hail the Conquering Campbellian S/Hero: Joanna Russ's Alyx. In Practicing Science Fiction: Critical Essays on Writing, Reading and Teaching the Genre, (10), McFarland & Co., pp 154-167.

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Wepener CJ: 2010. Liturgical research in a changing South Africa socio-cultural (liturgical) landscape - Challenges and oppertunities for method and theory. In Religion and social development in post-apartheid South Africa. Perspectives for critical engagement, (23), SUN PReSS, pp 403-415.

Wepener CJ, Cilliers J: 2010. Ritual and the generation of social capital in contexts of poverty. In Religion and social development in post-apartheid South Africa, perspectives for critical engagement, (24), SUN PReSS, pp 417-429.

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Ouzman S: 2010. Flashes of Brilliance: San rock paintings of heaven's things. In Seeing and Knowing Understanding Rock Art with and without Ethnography, (2), Wits University Press, pp 11-31.

Allen P.: 2010. Cyril of Alexandria's Festal Letters. The Politics of Religion. In Studies of Religion and Politics in the Early Christian Centuries, (2), St Pauls Publications, pp 195-212.

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Weber-Lehnherr B: 2010. "Von der Psaltergenese zur Psaltertheologie: der nächste Schritt der Psalterexegese?! Einige grundsätzliche Überlegungen zum Psalter als Buch und Kanonteil", in: E. Zenger (Ed.). In The Composition of the Book of Psalms (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniense 238), Peeters Publishers, pp 733-744.

Salo ER: 2010. Beyond Equity Committees And Statistics. In The Next Twenty Five Years? Affirmative Action And Higher Education In The United States And South Africa, (Part IV), University of Michigan Press, pp 297-308.

Anseeuw W: 2010. Agricultural policy in Africa - renewal or status quo? A spotlight on Kenya and Senegal. In The Political Economy of Africa, (13), Routledge, pp 247-265.

Pardey PG, Liebenberg F: 2010. South African agricultural production and productivity patterns. In The shifting patterns of agricultural production an productivity worldwide, (13), Routledge, pp 383-408.

Manyanga M, Pikirayi I, Chirikure S: 2010. Conceptualising the Urban Mind in Pre-European Southern Africa: Rethinking Mapungubwe and Great Zimbabwe. In The Urban Mind : Cultural and Environmental Dynamics, (24), Uppsala Universitet, pp 573-590.

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Botha PJ: 2010. A world firmly established on Water: The Wisdom Foundations of Psalm 24:1-2. In Weisheit und Schöpfung. Festschrift für James Alfred Loader zum 65. Geburtstag., Peter Lang, pp 43-58.

Salo ER: 2010. South African Feminisms - A Coming of Age?. In Women's Movements in the Global Era: The Power of Local Feminisms, (1), Westview Press, pp 29-55.

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Mlambo AS: 2010. A History of Zimbabwean Migration to 1990. In Zimbabwe's Exodus. Crisis, Migration, Survival, (2), Southern African Migration Programme (SAMP) and IDRC, Ottowa, pp 52-78.

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