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Output 2007
Research articles in refereed specialist journals

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences

Article Title

Scantlebury M, Waterman J, Hillegass M, Speakman JR, Bennett NC: 2007. Energetic costs of parasitism in the Cape ground Squirrel Xerus inauris. 274, pp 2169-2177.

Russell AF, Young AJ, Spong G, Jordan NR, Clutton-Brock TH: 2007. Helpers increase the reproductive potential of offspring in cooperative meerkats. 274, pp 513-520.

Yeakel JD, Bennett NC, Koch PL, Dominy NJ: 2007. The isotopic ecology of African mole rats informs hypotheses on the evolution of human diet. 274, pp 1723-1730.