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Output 2007
Research articles in refereed specialist journals


Woodroffe R, Davies-Mostert HT, Ginsberg J, Graf JA, Leigh K, McCreery K, Mills G, Pole A, Rasmussen G, Robbins R, Somers MJ, Szykman M: 2007. Rates and causes of mortality in Endangered African wild dogs Lycaon pictus: Lessons for management and monitoring. 41 (2) / Apr, pp 215-223.

Hunter LTB, Pretorius K, Carlisle LC, Rickelton M, Walker C, Slotow R, Skinner JD: 2007. Restoring lions Panthera leo to northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: Short-term biological and technical success but equivocal long-term conservation. 41 (2) / Apr, pp 196-204, Full Text