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Journals E


Output 2007
Research articles in refereed specialist journals

Emerging Infectious Diseases

Article Title

Cohen C, Sartorius B, Sabeta C, Zulu G, Paweska J, Mogoswane M, Sutton C, Nel LH, Swanepoel R, Leman PA, Grobbelaar AA, Dyason E, Blumberg L: 2007. Epidemiology and Molecular Virus Characterization of Reemerging Rabies, South Africa.. 13 (12) / Dec, pp 1879-1886.

Sabeta C, Markotter W, Mohale DK, Shumba W, Wandeler AI, Nel LH: 2007. Mokola virus in domestic mammals, South Africa. 13 (9) / Sep, pp 1371-1373.