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Output 2007
Research articles in refereed specialist journals

Journal of Palliative Medicine

De Graeff A, Dean M, Benamou M, Van den Beuken-van Everdingen M, Bridge D, Cameron DA, Cherny N, Eisenchlas J, Goldman-Pike H, Groves KE, Van Heest A, Lum KL, Menten J, Miller C, Morita T, Muller-Busch HC, Pakarinen C, Quinn TE, Radbruch L, Regnard C, Rousseau P, Strasser F, Singer Y, Thorns A, Tsuneto R, Voltz R, Wade R, Van de Watering M, Wilcock A: 2007. Palliative sedation therapy in the last week of life: A literature review and recommendations for standards. 10 (1), pp 67-85.