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Research Output 2005





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Introduction by the Vice-Chancellor and Principal


The University of Pretoria places a high premium on research. The University has, for a number of years, been the leading producer of accredited research outputs amongst all the institutions of higher education in South Africa, and continues to strengthen its lead.

During the last year, the University has further consolidated and strengthened its position as the leading university in the country with regard to research outputs. This is evidenced by the latest numbers released by the Department of Education that show that the University of Pretoria’s research outputs exceeded the highest number ever attained by any South African university.

The University of Pretoria is also a leader with regard to research productivity, in that its research outputs per full-time academic leads the field in South Africa. Even though the University is achieving remarkable numbers of research outputs, it must never lose sight of its quest for quality. This is especially true in the research arena.

In our strive towards increased international competitiveness and a higher quality of life for all South Africans, there is a general realisation in the country that our national research effort must be enhanced. As a leading research university, the University of Pretoria will not only rise to this challenge, but also make a major contribution both with regard to research outputs as well as the training of researchers. We must go beyond local relevance, and ensure that we achieve a high local impact. Co-operation is the key towards leveraging research impact, and hence the University will continue to not only emphasize but also increase co-operation with the public and private sectors as well as the science councils, locally and abroad.

The University’s research capacity and achievements is the result of the building of a research ethos over a long time. In this regard, I would like to recognize the effort and commitment of the University’s researchers and its research partners, and to thank them for their contributions.

As the tertiary education sector in South Africa emerges from a comprehensive restructuring exercise, a new era for higher education is dawning. The University of Pretoria will take its place as a flagship university in the country and strive towards world-class excellence. Its research focus will play a very important role in this regard. The University of Pretoria will pro-actively contribute towards shaping the future.

Inleiding deur die Visekanselier en Rektor

Die Universiteit van Pretoria plaas ‘n hoë premie op navorsing. Oor die afgelope aantal jare lewer die Universiteit die meeste geakkrediteerde navorsingspublikasie-eenhede van alle Suid-Afrikaanse hoër onderwysinstellings en word die posisie jaarliks versterk.

Gedurende die afgelope jaar, het die Universiteit sy posisie as die leier op die gebied van navorsingsuitsette verder gekonsolideer en versterk. Die nuutste syfers vir navorsingsuitsette wat deur die Departement van Onderwys bekendgestel is, is ‘n duidelike bewys hiervan. Die Universiteit het egter vanjaar nie net die hoogste aantal eenhede gepubliseer nie, maar ook die hoogste getal wat nog ooit deur enige Universiteit behaal is, oortref.

Die Universiteit van Pretoria is ook ‘n leier op die gebied van navorsingsproduktiwitiet. Só het die Universiteit ook verlede jaar die hoogste aantal navorsingsuitsette per voltydse akademikus behaal. Hoewel die Universiteit merkwaardige getalle in terme van navorsingsuitsette bereik het, is dit belangrik dat ons nooit ons strewe na kwaliteit uit die oog verloor nie. Dit is van uiterste belang in die navorsingsarena.

In ons strewe om toenemend internasionaal kompeterend te wees en ‘n hoër lewenskwaliteit vir alle Suid-Afrikaners daar te stel, is daar ‘n algemene gewaarwording in die land dat ons nasionale navorsingspogings versterk moet word. As ‘n leier op die gebied van universiteitsnavorsing, verbind die Universiteit van Pretoria hom nie net tot hierdie uitdaging nie, maar ook tot die lewering van belangrike bydraes in terme van navorsingsuitsette sowel as die opleiding van navorsers.

Ons moet verby plaaslike relevansie kyk en seker maak dat ons op plaaslike vlak ‘n beduidende impak maak. Samewerking is die sleutel tot die impak van navorsing en daarom sal die Universiteit voortgaan om nie net samewerking te beklemtoon nie, maar ook om samewerking met die publieke en privaat sektore asook met wetenskaplike rade, plaaslik sowel as in die buiteland, uit te brei.

Die Universiteit se navorsingskapasiteit en prestasies is die direkte uitvloeisel van ‘n navorsingsetos wat oor ‘n lang tydperk gebou is. Ek wil graag erkenning gee aan die Universiteit se navorsers en navorsingsvennote en hulle opreg bedank vir hul bydraes.

Namate die nuwe tersiêre onderwyssektor in Suid-Afrika uit ‘n omvattende proses van herstukturering verrys, word ‘n nuwe era in hoër onderwys ingelui. As een van die land se vlagskip Universiteite, streef die Universiteit van Pretoria daarna om ‘n wêreldklas akademiese instelling te wees. In hierdie konteks speel die Universiteit se fokus op navorsing ‘n baie belangrike rol. Die Universiteit van Pretoria verbind hom daartoe om pro-aktief die toekoms te help skep.


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