Page 11 - University of Pretoria RESEARCH OUTPUTS 2016
P. 11

Tichapondwa SM, Focke WW, Del Fabbro OG, Gisby J, and Kelly C. 2016. A Comparative Study of Si-BaSO4 and Si-CaSO4 Pyrotechnic Time-Delay Compositions. In Journal of Energetic Materials, 34, pp 342-356.
Tichapondwa SM, Focke WW, Del Fabbro OG, and Labuschagne G. 2016. The E ect of Additives on the Burning Rate of Silicon-Calcium Sulfate Pyrotechnic Delay Compositions. In Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics, 41, pp 732-739.
Tikilili PV, Chirwa EMN. 2016. Searching for indigenous anaerobic ammonium oxidizing (anammox) bacteria in South African habitats: Pretoria region. In Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 30(6), pp 1097-1105.
van Laar JH, van der Walt I, Bissett H, Barry J, and Crouse PL. 2016. Spheroidisation of iron powder in a microwave plasma reactor. In Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 116, pp 941-946.
Altieri K, Clarke S, Garland R, Kornelius G, and Meas M. 2016. Air quality and greenhouse gas emissions. In Shale gas development in the central karoo: A scienti c assessment of the opportunities and risks. CSIR.
Akinshipe OB, and Kornelius G. 2016. Provisional  ndings of atmospheric emissions from clamp kilns in the South African clay brick industry. Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the National Association for Clean Air. NACA.
Msibi SS, and Kornelius G. 2016. Potential for domestic biogas as household energy supply in South Africa. Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the National Association for Clean Air. NACA.
Bonthuys GJ, van Dijk M, and Bhagwan J. 2016. A feasibility and implementation model of small-scale hydropower development for rural electri cation in South Africa: A case study of Kwa Madiba SSHP Plant. In Water SA, 42(4), pp 528-541.
Burdzik WMG, Skorpen SA. 2016. Experimental and analytical investigation into the sti ness of composite steel-reinforced timber beams with  exible shear connectors. In Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering, 58(4), pp 11-20.
Cumming-Potvin D, Wesseloo J, Jacobsz SW, and Kearsley EP. 2016. Fracture banding in caving mines. In Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 116, pp 1-9.
Durieux JH, and Janse van Rensburg BW. 2016. Development of a practical methodology for the analysis of gravity dams using the non-linear  nite element method. In Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering, 58(2), pp 2-13.
Fourie DJ, Grabe PJ, Heyns PS, and Frohling R. 2016. Experimental characterisation of railway wheel squeal occurring in large-radius curves. In Proceedings of yhe Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F-Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 230(6), pp 1561-1574.
Grabe PJ, and Jacobs D. 2016. The e ects of fastening strength on the variation in stress-free temperature in continuous welded rail. In Proceedings of yhe Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F-Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 230(3), pp 840-851.
Grabe PJ, Mtshotana BF, Sebati M, and Thunemann EQ. 2016. The e ects of under-sleeper pads on sleeper-ballast interaction. In Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering, 58(2), pp 35-41.
Jones BR, Jacobsz SW, and van Rooy JL. 2016. A qualitative model study on the e ect of geosynthetic foundation reinforcement in sand overlying very soft clay. In Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering, 58(2), pp 25-34.
Jordaan GJ, and Kilian A. 2016. Cost-e ective upgrading, preservation and rehabilitation of roads. In Imiesa, 1, pp 71-75.
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